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Case Results

A Reputation of Success

For nearly two decades, Fridman Legal has helped individuals across Illinois resolve their legal problems. As a result, we are deeply familiar with our practice areas, and we have a lengthy track record of success. To see how we assisted our past clients, feel free to browse through our case results here. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us today and schedule a free consultation.

  • Automotive Dealer
    Chapter 11
    Automotive Dealer, successfully confirmed Chapter 11 plan involving individual that exceeded the Debtor limit allowing repayment of unsecure claims to 10% of allowed claims. Negotiated a loan purchase of secured lender claim in excess of $670,000 for ...
  • Contractor
    Chapter 11
    Successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 plan with several trade unions for union concrete contractor. Confirmed plan through resolution of IRS claim for unpaid 941 payroll taxes. Negotiated plan that provided for a 10% dividend on claims in excess of ...
  • Manufacturer / Steel Distribution Center
    Successfully confirmed liquidation plan resolving secured debt and tax debt for large steel company in winding down operations.
  • Manufacturers
    Chapter 11
    Successfully confirmed Chapter 11 plan and reorganized display manufacturing business. Negotiated Cash collateral orders, motion for relief of stay, sale of real property and repayment of unsecured debt over 4 year period.
  • Real Estate Developers
    Chapter 11
    Real Estate Developer Successfully confirmed Chapter 11 plan involving real estate developer in mixed use project. Conducted § 506 claim valuation reducing junior mortgage to a unsecured and allowing repayment of unsecured claims to 10% of allowed ...
  • Real Estate Developers
    Chapter 11
    Successfully confirmed Chapter 11 plan involving real estate investor with properties in excess of $10,000,000. Negotiated 10 year repayment at 4.75% with three secured lenders and a reduced payoff with secured lender. Negotiated interim financing ...
  • Real Estate Developers
    Secured Lenders Deficiency Claim
    Successfully resolved secured lenders deficiency claim in excess of $800,000. Through section 363 sale and structured settlement saving guarantor from large deficiency judgment.
  • Real Estate Developers
    Secured Lenders Deficiency Claim
    Successfully resolved secured lenders deficiency claim in excess of $400,000. Through section 363 sale and structured settlement saving guarantor from large deficiency judgment.
  • Real Estate Developers
    Chapter 11
    Union Contractors Successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 plan with Carpenters Labor Union for union carpenter company. Filed adversary proceeding to recover estate funds from general contractor to fund plan.
  • Real Estate Developers
    Chapter 11
    Unions Contractors , Successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 plan with Laborer Union, and Operators Union for union demolition company. Filed adversary proceeding to recover estate funds from City of Chicago being held due to PLA agreement with the ...
  • Real Estate Developers
    Chapter 11
    Union Contractor , successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 plan with Painters Union, and Carpenters for union carpenter company. Confirmed plan through resolution of IRS claim for unpaid 941 payroll taxes. Negotiated plan that provided for a 10% dividend ...
  • Real Estate Developers
    Chapter 11
    Successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 plan for individual who owned commercial property subject to a foreclosure on expired note. Resolve claims through 5 years repayment of mortgage and note and unsecured debt.
  • Restaurants / Bars
    Chapter 11
    Successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 plan, and resolved Illinois Department of Revenue assessment of tax liability in excess of $360,000 for restaurant and bar. Conducted multi-day claim objection trial wherein Claim reduced to $190,000. Negotiated ...
  • Restaurants / Bars
    Secured Lenders Deficiency Claim
    Successfully resolved secured lenders deficiency claim in excess of $600,000. Through section 363 sale back to secured lender and release of personal l guarantors.